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Niaz and Nima

Del Mar, CA, United States

Niaz and Nima first entered college to pursue their passion in architecture, not realizing they would later find each other…

It was 2009 when Nima first noticed Niaz; it was in that brief moment Nima knew that she was someone he had to get to know. She was hard to not notice; after all, she is a twin, who always made sure that her hair added an extra inch or two on her height.

It was not until early 2010 that the two were in the same class, eager to learn the fundamentals of architecture. They sat directly on opposite ends of the studio that faced one another, where Niaz would catch Nima staring. Later, they would end up on the same design team, where instead of being productive, they ended up talking about their interests, family, and life. As time went on, Nima got the courage to ask Niaz on a date. They ended up going to dinner at a rotating sushi bar near his home. Nima decided to surprise Niaz after dinner with the hot air balloon ride at the Great Park in Irvine. From that night, they were inseparable.

Even when they transferred to different schools in Los Angeles, their relationship became more serious. They grew up with one another, and learned that they were able to manage their relationship through school and life stress. It proved that their connection was genuine. Whenever they were able to see each other, days, weeks, or months apart, the two of them together, no matter how long they last saw one another, went away, and every conversation was comforting and being together felt like home.

Six years later, after Nima finished his degree in architecture, Niaz also finished her master’s in architecture, and it was then that Nima knew he had to make Niaz his wife. He met with her parents, in person, and asked for her hand. They both love Nima, and were ecstatic that they were going to gain a son-in-law, and gladly accepted! Nima started to plan an unforgettable trip to Chicago; a place that Niaz wanted to visit. He told her sisters, Marjaneh and Roz, to join in on the surprise. Not only were they excited to go to Chicago, but also they were thrilled to witness the proposal in person. They booked their tickets immediately.

In the afternoon of Sunday October 23rd, 2016, Nima took Niaz to the riverfront. It was a perfectly picturesque setting to surprise her. Nima tried to distract Niaz by taking a photo of her. That is when Marjaneh and Roz jumped out from behind them and captured the beautiful moment on camera. Nima bent down on one knee and asked Niaz to marry him. She was speechless, but of course said yes!

After nine years in the making, Niaz and Nima are excited to share their special day with all their loved ones! A day that will always remain in their hearts as they exchange vows and become husband and wife!




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