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Victoria and Daniel

Brooklyn , NY, United States

Vic and Dan met in the summer of 2014 in Rabat, Morocco on a study abroad trip. Even though Dan is a country boy from Pennsylvania, and Vic is a city girl from New York, the two fell in love. After two years of long-distance dating, which included time living in Los Angeles and a trip to Thailand, Dan proposed to Vic in November of 2016 in St. Pete's Village, Pennsylvania, where they shared their first kiss. He continued to surprise her with an engagement party that was attended by close friends and family. Shortly after the engagement, Dan began Army Officer training in Georgia, which meant more long distance time for the couple. Dan eventually went to Army Ranger School, which kept him out of contact for three months. When he graduated, he was reunited with Vic in a small civil wedding ceremony in Columbus, Georgia on October 6, 2017. Vic and Dan then moved to Fort Hood, Texas, where Dan began leading a platoon and where Vic began planning their big wedding. With lots of help from her mom, her planner, and her amazing bridesmaids, Vic managed to plan an amazing wedding in Brooklyn, NY. The wedding was held on October 5, 2018, almost a year after they were civilly married. They were wed at St. Anthony's Church, which is the same church Vic's grandparents and parents were married in as well. The reception was held at the Greenpoint Loft, which was the perfect venue for the couple. The venue had a rooftop which gave a gorgeous view of the Manhattan skyline, and the inside was decorated with hanging flowers and farmhouse tables. The perfect union of city and country. They also served Moroccan, Thai, and Southern food, which detailed their travels perfectly. Vic's wedding dress from Hayley Paige was the icing on the cake, no pun intended, as the Delta Gown had Moroccan inspired designs that tied the theme in beautifully.

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