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Taylor and Brendan

Orlando, FL, United States

My wedding day was always a day that I looked forward to, but deep down I was saddened that one of the most important people in my life weren’t going to be there. My father passed away when I was a young girl. He was so free spirited, he loved having a good time and boy did he love his race cars! All my favorite memories with him include being in the backseat of those race cars.

During wedding planning Brendan and I had always wanted to make this day to be everything WE wanted. And it was everything we wanted PLUS more. He wanted a speed boat entrance with his groomsmen so he got a speedboat entrance. We wanted to share a piece of pizza instead of a piece of cake so we got that. Our late night snack that we love is cookies n milk so we did a cookies and milk bar. Don’t forget the floral chandeliers that I HAD TO HAVE.

After three years of planning and two unexpected babies later our wedding day was here. While I woke Up so excited to marry my soul mate there was still a part of me that was missing. Little did I know my fiance had something up his sleeve that would change my life. The wedding has began and everything was going off without a hitch. As we are walking toward the reception space my now husband whispers in my ear “follow me”. He then guides me into the parking lot and as I look to my left I am flooded with emotions. I was starring at my fathers race car. The race car I had not seen since I was a little girl. As you can imagine I was bawling at this point. Wondering how this happened, Brendan informed me that he was able to contact the new owner of the race car and he was more than willing to drive it three hours to our wedding ceremony to surprise me. Needless to say, my father was there. He might not have been there in a physical sense but the moment I seen that race car I felt it he was there. I can not thank my husband enough for what he did that day. When someone goes to the ends of the Earth to make your day “special” that’s when you know you are marrying the right person.





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